Psychology, Statistics, Experimental Psychology, Tests and Measurement | University of Miami Cognate Search Engine

Psychology, Statistics, Experimental Psychology, Tests and Measurement


Psychology, Statistics, Experimental Psychology, Tests and Measurement


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    Contact Info
    • Name: Yanerys Leon
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    • Phone: Please contact by email
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  • Recommended for
    All students except for psychology majors
  • Required Courses
    Students must complete at least 3 courses for at least 9 credits.
  • Number of Groups: 3

Cognate Categories


This cognate begins with a survey of modern scientific psychology. Topics include learning, memory, perception, cognition, personality, intelligence, motivation, emotion, development, social psychology abnormal psychology, and therapy. Students then get an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics, including measures of central tendency, measures of variability, graphing, data tables, probability, correlation, regression and tests of significance. Those significance tests include t-tests, ANOVA, and Chi square. Following that, students choose to extend their knowledge in statistics, research methods and/or in the principles of construction, use, evaluation and interpretation of psychological tests and measurements.

Option Groups

Complete 2 of the following option groups:

  • Introduction to Psychology

    Complete at most 1 course from the following:

    Course Name Credits (Min/Max) Typically Offered
    PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology 3/3 Fall, Spring, & Summer
  • Statistics

    Complete exactly 1 course from the following:

    Course Name Credits (Min/Max) Typically Offered
    PSY 292 Introduction to Biobehavioral Statistics Section B
    Prerequisite: For PSY Majors or Minors and NEU Majors: C- or higher in PSY 110, and MTH 101 or higher; For Non-PSY majors: C- or higher in MTH 101 or higher.
    3/3 Fall, Spring, & Summer
  • Advanced

    Complete at most 2 courses from the following:

    Course Name Credits (Min/Max) Typically Offered
    PSY 390 Intermediate Research Methods and Biobehavioral Statistics
    Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA and 15 credits in PSY including PSY 110, PSY 290, and PSY 291 or 292 and 6 additional credits of either PSY 200 level classes or any NEU classes
    3/3 Fall & Spring
    PSY 391 Tests and Measurements
    Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA and 15 credits in PSY including PSY 110, PSY 290, and PSY 291 or 292 and 6 additional credits of either PSY 200 level classes or any NEU classes
    3/3 Spring Odd Years
*Indicates an inactive course

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