Religion, Myth, and Interpretation Cognate Search Engine | University of Miami

Religion, Myth, and Interpretation

Arts and Humanities

Greek gods and goddesses in classical mythology.

If you have declared this cognate, you WILL be able to complete the requirements.
Religion, Myth, and Interpretation

Image Attribution: "Raffaello, concilio degli dei 02" by Raphael - Web Gallery of Art:   Image  Info about artwork. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


  • View Cognate Requirements by Semester
  • Academic Plan
  • Cognate
    Arts and Humanities
  • Responsible Academic Unit

    Contact Info
  • Recommended for
    All students.
  • Required Courses
    Students must complete at least 3 courses for at least 9 credits.
  • Number of Groups: 2

Cognate Categories


THIS COGNATE HAS BEEN DEACTIVATED AS OF January 1, 2023. This cognate introduces students to theories of interpretation through the study of myth and religion. It examines how humans use language to form and communicate conceptions of reality, focusing on the highly elusive concept "myth."

Option Groups

Complete exactly 2 of the following option groups:

*Indicates an inactive course

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