Development Economics

People and Society

Development Economics

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  • View Cognate Requirements by Semester
  • Academic Plan
  • Cognate
    People and Society
  • Responsible Academic Unit

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  • Recommended for
    All students
  • Required Courses
    Students must complete at least 3 courses for at least 9 credits.
  • Number of Groups: 3

Cognate Categories


The core courses in this cognate (ECO 211 Principles of Microeconomics and ECO 212 Principles of Macroeconomics) introduce the study of the economic behavior of individuals, firms, and markets; as well as the analysis of the economy as a whole, both in terms of short-run fluctuations (the business cycle) and long-run determinants of economic growth. Additionally, the student chooses an elective from a set of courses related to the economic aspects of the development process based on their specific interests. These electives are ECO 345 Environmental Economics; ECO 351 Economics of Development; ECO 371 Latin America and the Global Economy; ECO 379 The Political Economy of Growth; ECO 443 Economic Analysis of Energy and Commodity Markets; and ECO 532 History of Economic Thought. Students completing this cognate will acquire the tools and techniques to analyze and solve economic problems, and will learn to apply the theory to real-world economic events in their area of interest.

Option Groups

Complete exactly 3 of the following option groups:

*Indicates an inactive course

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