Latin American and Caribbean History | University of Miami Cognate Search Engine

Latin American and Caribbean History

Arts and Humanities

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Latin American and Caribbean History


  • View Cognate Requirements by Semester
  • Academic Plan
  • Cognate
    Arts and Humanities
  • Responsible Academic Unit

    Contact Info
  • Recommended for
    All students.
  • Required Courses
    Students must complete at least 3 courses for at least 9 credits.
  • Number of Groups: 1

Cognate Categories


The history of Latin America and the Caribbean from pre-Columbian times to the present. Topics include film and history, the cold war, urban history, and intellectual history. The cognate covers the entire region, but with specializations in Argentina, Mexico, and Haiti.

Option Groups

Complete 1 of the following option groups: INS 584 or LAS 503 satisfies one course selection and INS 594 or LAS 560 satisfies one course selection.

*Indicates an inactive course

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