Religion in the Ancient World | University of Miami Cognate Search Engine

Religion in the Ancient World

Arts and Humanities

Ancient Greek temple ruins with stone columns.

If you have declared this cognate, you WILL be able to complete the requirements.
Religion in the Ancient World

Image Attribution: "Temple Apollo Korinth OLC" by Olecorre


  • View Cognate Requirements by Semester
  • Academic Plan
  • Cognate
    Arts and Humanities
  • Responsible Academic Unit

    Contact Info
  • Recommended for
    All students.
  • Required Courses
    Students must complete at least 3 courses for at least 9 credits.
  • Number of Groups: 2

Cognate Categories


THIS COGNATE HAS BEEN DEACTIVATED AS OF January 1, 2023. This cognate offers a broad introduction to religions of the ancient world. Students are able to take courses that explore archaeology, history, the Bible, and ancient narratives.

Option Groups

Complete exactly 2 of the following option groups:

*Indicates an inactive course

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